

Access Expression: an expression that controls whether the ViewModel is shown or not

Access Groups: these control what is visible and/or enabled for a user in a certain role or situation

Actions: what a user or an API can execute to create an effect in the running system

AngularJS: an open-source JavaScript framework that lets you build well-structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications by using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern

AsString: a method or operator that's available on all objects of all classes - on a model object, it usually takes the default string representation and returns that

AssetsTK: the strategy to move files along with your model onto the server that runs your Turnkey application every time you upload your model

Association: the connection or relationship between Classes and Objects

Association classes: additional information on the relationship between Classes

Async Ticket: a pattern you can easily add to your model, backed by recent MDrivenServers

Attribute: data stored within a modeled class, usually stored in an SQL Server database as a field

AutoForm: a view generated from the backing model in MDriven Designer e.g. if you have a view based on SysSingleton, an autoform from SysSingleton will add all the different attributes of that class to a ViewModel. It is a shortcut to get a basic setup of views in a system.

Autoguid: a DB-generated Guid value

Azure: a cloud platform designed by Microsoft to simplify the process of building modern applications


BEM: BEM stands for Block, Element, Modifier. It is a convention on how to structure CSS rules.

Blazor: a web framework for building web UI components (Razor components) that can be hosted in different ways

Blob (Binary Large Object): usually stores a string of bytes - has a Blob type that can be image or text or binary

Boolean: a data type that represents one of two possible values, typically denoted as true and false

Bug: an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces unexpected or incorrect results


CodeDress: a function that allows you to write strongly typed C# code in Visual Studio and have that code implemented in a Turnkey site

Class: a group of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behaviour (operations), common relationships to other objects, and common meaning (“semantics”)

Class Actions: actions that always have the context or the root objects as the object of a class

Class Diagrams: shows classes and their relations

Collection: a data structure or container that allows developers to store, organize, and manipulate a group of related data items

Column: a synonym to attribute - called column because it is represented that way and usually called the same in an SQL database

Combobox: a picklist or dropdown list

Component: a general term but most common with MDriven, it is something that is part of the User Interface - like a diagram component

Constraints: ways to introduce business rules in the model than using state machines and guards

Context: the circumstances that form the setting for a statement or idea in terms of which it can be fully understood

CORS: an HTTP-header-based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources

C-Sharp (C#): a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): allows you to control the formatting of your website

CSS Grid: a layout system in web design and development that allows developers to create complex two-dimensional grid-based layouts for websites and web applications


DateTime: a type of attribute or column that stores date and time together, commonly used as a nullable attribute

DB: short for database


Decimal data type: a numerical data type used to represent decimal numbers with a fixed precision and scale

Deepclone: a reference to the idea of cloning many objects as a structure either as a direct clone or as a transformation from one object graph to another.

Derived attributes: calculated fields that subscribe to all the values they are calculated from

Derived associations: writable associations that update other attributes or links when they themselves are set

Diagram: the representation of the UML model. Diagrams show a perspective of the model or use case of a range of classes.

Domain Driven Design (DDD): the idea that the model should adhere to the terms and definitions of the domain the system is built for


EAL: when OCL language is used for action

ECO: the core engine for all MDriven applications that, given a UML model and a Persistence Mapper, will help any .net application handle the objects of that model in memory

Evolve: refers to the process of updating the SQL schema so that it matches the model. It is used repeatedly during the development process.


Fashion: all the code to create a finish - the right look and feel

Float: a data type that represents a decimal number with floating-point precision


Gist: a type of code that describes what type of information the system is handling and which business rules guard the dynamics of that information

Global Actions: actions for the user to initiate something global in the always-available application

Grid: a flexible layout structure used to display and arrange various types of content, not necessarily limited to data


History Server: a special mode of the MDriven Server that records or changes to a running MDriven Server so that the database can be seen at a specific point in time

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML describes the structure of a Web page.


IIS (Internet Information Services): a web server software developed by Microsoft for Windows Server operating systems used to host and manage websites and web applications on the Internet or an intranet

Integer: a data type that represents whole numbers


JSON (Javascript Standard Object Notation): the text representation of an object in Javascript and is widely used in many transport formats for serializing objects, for example, it is the object notation in a Rest Interface



Linq (Language Integrated Query): an addition to the .net framework that can be used to write query expressions in C# code for other .net language code


MCoins: an MDriven artificial coin system enabling users to pay for all MDriven services. One MCoin is equal to the value of 1 Euro.

MDriven: a rule engine that, given a UML model and a Persistence mapper, will help any .net runtime handle the objects of that model in memory. MDriven is also the name of a Visual Studio Plugin that brings MDriven, Modlr, Derived Code, Derived DB scripts, and Database Evolution to Visual Studio

MDriven Designer: a UML modeling tool that allows you to capture sufficient details to cover every aspect of a software system

MDriven Framework: an MDriven tool that allows you to write strongly typed c# code, accessing all the types and classes from your model

MDriven Server: an IIS application that stores your MDriven data in a database

MDriven Start: a series of introductory texts to introduce and guide new users through MDriven Designer

MDriven Turnkey: a new way to develop Internet applications

MDriven Portal: a bridge to the different parts of the MDriven World

Method: part of a class - could also be called a function - and executes operations either in OCL, EAL, or C#


Mockotype: MDrivenDesigner started in simplified mode

Model: a UML model that describes data stored in an application

Modernity: the code the infrastructure of a system needs to work

Modlr: a file format of MDriven Designer

MVC: a design pattern Model U controller; a statically or fully serverside rendered web page that is returned by the MDriven Turnkey Server

MySQL: a widely used SQL server that is free-to-use and open-source


.net: a developer platform made up of tools, programming languages, and libraries for building many different types of applications.

Nuget: the package manager for Microsoft development platforms including .net

Null: is empty - none*


OAuth: an open standard for token-based authentication and authorization

OCL: the query and action language used in MDriven

OCL Expression: a statement in OCL that evaluates or indicates an action language does something

OCL Operator: a method or function to be performed on or with an object and parameters in an OCL expression

OCL PS: a subset of the OCL language that can be translated to SQL

OclSingleton: an operator that helps you implement the Singleton pattern

Object: an instance of a class

OpenDocument report: a report created by the feature in MDriven to take an OpenDocument standard to make e.g. a Microsoft Word or Excel document and merge that with data from a ViewModel

OpenID: the protocol to negotiate authentication and get back an access token that your app can verify comes from your OpenId authority so that you may trust the information in the ticket - like the user-email maybe - or some claim that the user is admin or the like

Opting out Actions: the work done by a Designer to exclude Class actions or ViewModel actions from a ViewModel so that they are not shown to the end user

ORCID: an ID system used for online identification in the scientific world

ORMapping (Object Relation Mapping): a feature of the MDriven system to store objects in an SQL database by mapping one class to one table in the basic format but with the inheritance available in the class, not the SQl server


Package: a "container" for a model section

Parse: an operator on value types to convert from string representation of, for example, from DateTime to the values stored in the DateTime type attribute

Periodic action: a ViewModel action that runs automatically over and over again when the Disabled expression is False

Persistence: the ability of a program or application to store and retrieve data even after the program is terminated or the system is shut down

Persistence mapping: a technique used in MDriven to map objects in an object-oriented programming language to relational database tables

Pivot table:

PlacingContainer: a way to organize a view based on the box-in-box principle

Prototyping: the process in which you whip something together quickly as a mock-up to show or test it to learn something that otherwise would be hard to know

PSEval: an OCLOperator that makes it possible to use OCL PS in any OCL expression


QueryPlan: the ability to statically analyze a ViewModel to know ahead of time what data it will use


Realtime: communication done point to point at the time of need

Rest Services: services executed by connecting to a URL that defines operation and parameters and returns an answer – not seldom as JSON objects

Reverse derivation: when you use code (EAL) to process a composite value into separate parts when updating


Seeker: a special ViewModel for searching the database

Self: a reference to the current context - equivalent to "this" in C#

selfVM: a variable that is available within the context of a ViewModel

Serverside actions: actions used when you want to delegate work to the server

Serverside jobs: actions with views that the MDriven server can execute in a periodic fashion to do things automatically either on a clock or as a reaction to something the user does such as SysAsync Ticket

Set: a collection of something

SignalR: a .net software component used for Realtime communication

Singleton: the name of a design pattern that establishes a Class that will only have one object instance

SOAP: a calling protocol between servers much like REST

SQL (Structured Query Language): a language to store and organize information in databases

SQLServer: the general term and Microsoft's name of their relational database for SQL server; another vendor is MySQL

SQLite: a small database engine suitable to embed in applications as a data store for a single user

Snippets: small, saved UML model pieces that can be inserted into the UML mode by the Designer for easy access to repetitive model pieces or special features

State Diagram: another way to describe the states of your domain with your information

State machine: helps us describe the different allowed states an object can be in and how it is transitioned between these states

String: a data type used to represent a sequence of characters


SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics - a great way to express data in a form other than text

SysAsyncTicket: a model pattern that gets easy access to serverside jobs when they're part of for example a process that needs both user interaction and serverside actions like assigning a number in a sequence

SysSingleton: a Turnkey application's primary place to store login information and can be seen as the root object of an application. See also Singleton pattern.

SysUser: System User


Tagexpander: discovers files in <YouModelFileName>_AssetsTK/Views/EXT_OverridePages that are named according to this pattern: <NameOfViewModel>.tagexpander.cshtml

Tag extensions: the ability to attach a tag that is a key value pair of settings for most things in the model that gives access to additional features

TaggedValues: an extension mechanism that is available on all model elements in MDriven

Tajson: a declarative approach to receive, send, transform, and store JSON messages, with setup and maintenance environment done in minutes

Tiny MCE: an opensource HTML editor that is used in a lot of Turnkey applications to give the user access to editing text content

Tkusercss: a file in which you can introduce your new styles that match the names of the styles given in the ViewModel columns style attribute

Tuple: a word describing something “taped together from bits and pieces of other stuff”


UI: User interface

UML (Unified Modeling Language): a way to visualize the structure of a model

URL: short for Uniform Resource Locator


Validation rules: rules to help you improve the quality of the data recorded and applied by the user according to the standards you've specified

ValueStore: a general term to describe classes and tables of items that are used to store values used in an application

vCurrent_: a variable that shows what the user has focused on/clicked on last in the ViewModel nestings

ViewModel: a UML model containing all the information of the application but doesn't have clear perspectives or views of how that information should be used

ViewModel Actions: actions that have access to the views' context like vCurrent and vSelected. It is part of the ViewModel in contrast to the Class action which has the context of a modeled class.

VistaDB: an embedded DB licensed from Gibraltar software

Visual Studio: refers to Microsoft Visual Studio application for software development. MDriven Designer can be installed as an addition to Visual Studio.

vSelected_: the variable shown when the user allows multi-select in grids in the ViewModel nestings


Web API: a set of components that simplify HTTP programming

WebApplication: refers to the general application executing on the web or web server or consumption of web users. Also can refer to an Azure web app, a web server hosted on Microsoft Azure.

Web UI: a web user interface permits users to interact with software and other content running through a web browser

Wednesdays at MDriven: a bi-weekly customer Google Meet online meeting where the MDriven team shows new product features, gets feedback from customers, and answers their questions

WECPOF: the prototyping ability and runtime assembly MDriven Framework users can use to get the Prototyping engine inside their own applications

WPF: short for Windows Presentation Foundation


Xamarin: a free and open-source mobile app platform for building native and high-performance iOS, Android, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Windows apps in C#

XML: a software- and hardware-independent tool for storing and transporting data