
A Comprehensive Guide to the common terms used in MDriven Documentation and Tools

Access Expression
an expression that controls whether the ViewModel is shown or not
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Access Groups
these control what is visible and/or enabled for a user in a certain role or situation
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what a user or an API can execute to create an effect in the running system
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Angular JS
an open-source JavaScript framework that lets you build well-structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications by using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
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a method or operator that's available on all objects of all classes - on a model object, it usually takes the default string representation and returns that
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the strategy to move files along with your model onto the server that runs your Turnkey application every time you upload your model
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the connection or relationship between Classes and Objects
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Association classes
additional information on the relationship between Classes
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Async Ticket
a pattern you can easily add to your model, backed by recent MDrivenServers
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data stored within a modeled class, usually stored in an SQL Server database as a field
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a view generated from the backing model in MDriven Designer e.g. if you have a view based on SysSingleton, an autoform from SysSingleton will add all the different attributes of that class to a ViewModel. It is a shortcut to get a basic setup of views in a system.
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a DB-generated Guid value
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a cloud platform designed by Microsoft to simplify the process of building modern applications
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BEM stands for Block, Element, Modifier. It is a convention on how to structure CSS rule
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a web framework for building web UI components (Razor components) that can be hosted in different ways
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Binary Large Object - usually stores a string of bytes - has a Blob type that can be image, text, or binary
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a data type that represents one of two possible values, typically denoted as true and false
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an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces unexpected or incorrect results
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a function that allows you to write strongly typed C# code in Visual Studio and have that code implemented in a Turnkey site
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a group of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behaviour (operations), common relationships to other objects, and common meaning (“semantics”)
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Class Actions
actions that always have the context or the root objects as the object of a class
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Class Diagrams
shows classes and their relations
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a data structure or container that allows developers to store, organize, and manipulate a group of related data items
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a synonym to attribute - called column because it is represented that way and usually called the same in an SQL database
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a picklist or dropdown list
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a general term but most common with MDriven, it is something that is part of the User Interface - like a diagram component
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ways to introduce business rules in the model rather than using state machines and guards
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the circumstances that form the setting for a statement or idea in terms of which it can be fully understood
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an HTTP-header-based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources
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C-Sharp (C#)
a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework
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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
allows you to control the formatting of your website
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CSS Grid
a layout system in web design and development that allows developers to create complex two-dimensional grid-based layouts for websites and web applications
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a type of attribute or column that stores date and time together, commonly used as a nullable attribute
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short for database
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the place where you can find out what is wrong with OCL and EAL expressions. You can also see what SQL is being generated and sent to the backend SQL server along with timing for increasing performance
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Decimal data type
a numerical data type used to represent decimal numbers with a fixed precision and scale
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a reference to the idea of cloning many objects as a structure either as a direct clone or as a transformation from one object graph to another
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Derived attributes
calculated fields that subscribe to all the values they are calculated from
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Derived associations
writable associations that update other attributes or links when they themselves are set
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the representation of the UML model. Diagrams show a perspective of the model or use case of a range of classes
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Domain Driven Design (DDD)
the idea that the model should adhere to the terms and definitions of the domain the system is built for
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when OCL language is used for action
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the core engine for all MDriven applications that, given a UML model and a Persistence Mapper, will help any .net application handle the objects of that model in memory
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refers to the process of updating the SQL schema so that it matches the model. It is used repeatedly during the development process
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all the code to create a finish - the right look and feel
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a data type that represents a decimal number with floating-point precision
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a type of code that describes what type of information the system is handling and which business rules guard the dynamics of that information
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Global Actions
actions for the user to initiate something global in the always-available application
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a flexible layout structure used to display and arrange various types of content, not necessarily limited to data
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Default Heading
Default Description
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