Release Notes
All the latest MDriven Fixes and Updates
ChangeLog - MDriven Turnkey
October 2024
- Revision 15990 (Modified on 2024-10-01): vClipbookData implemented in angularjs SysViewStateCookie continued work
- Revision 15986 (Modified on 2024-10-01): Clipbook support - when adding a variable vClipbookData:string , turnkey will discover changes to it - and ask browser to add content to clipbook. SysViewStateCookie - new model pattern to be able to share complete viewstate with others A ShareAction will show in toolbar if SysViewStateCookie is present
September 2024
- Revision 15982 (Modified on 2024-09-30): Components for Blazor are kept in EXT_ComponentsRazor, and scripts, css and assemblies are included in blazor application on top level, if they are placed in subtree under EXT_ComponentsRazor. EXT_ComponentsRazor is different from EXT_Components to avoid mixing of javascript and css for components that are different between angularjs and blazor
- Revision 15980 (Modified on 2024-09-27): Issues with rowselect in editable grids when click is in input fix accidently broke checkbox click - fixed
- Revision 15977 (Modified on 2024-09-26): Issues with rowselect in Modal grids Issues with rowselect in editable grids when click is in input
- Revision 15976 (Modified on 2024-09-26): Line above buttons in modal did not stretch
- Revision 15973 (Modified on 2024-09-25): Second try to fix Issue with blinking leftside menu if hidden and navigating, this was re-iterated to find a solution acceptable to both Kvadrat and Perrigo
- Revision 15972 (Modified on 2024-09-25): Issue with blinking leftside menu if hidden and navigating, this was re-iterated to find a solution acceptable to both Kvadrat and Perrigo
- Revision 15971 (Modified on 2024-09-25): Blazor : now listens to Timeout and navigates to Timedout, also better ctrl-click behaviour
- Revision 15969 (Modified on 2024-09-25): The FrameworkAction-option BackwardsNav has been added. In MVC, AngularJS and Blazor it nows asks the browser to go back in history 1 step. The primary use-case for this was the ability to put a "Resume" button on the Timedout page,
- Revision 15968 (Modified on 2024-09-25): Moved the "open modal standalone" button to top and replaced with open_in_new icon
- Revision 15967 (Modified on 2024-09-25): lingering issue with combobox and null rep - this time when object reference
- Revision 15966 (Modified on 2024-09-24): Changing databind for combos in angular to workaround issue with not being able to bind to list of strings and get the correct value in combo
- Revision 15964 (Modified on 2024-09-23): New MiscSetting: GlobalModalOfferOpenStandalone - When a modal window is shown it does not show left side actions and you are not allowed to do modals from modals (nested modals not supported) - if this cause a problem for your users you can choose to show an extra button in modal dialogs that will open the modal as a normal standalone view in a seperate tab. Implemented in Blazor and AngularJS (core only)
- Revision 15963 (Modified on 2024-09-23): Misc Setting NavigateOnSingleClickEnable implemented for Angular. Rewrite to remove type conversion confusion in TaggedValues and GlobalSettings in javacript
- Revision 15961 (Modified on 2024-09-21): Improved handling on .net core server behind a proxy by processing HTTP headers and avoiding private addresses
- Revision 15958 (Modified on 2024-09-20): Blazor - Position vClientLatidute/longitude
- Revision 15957 (Modified on 2024-09-20): Moving the WebView2 temp files dir to SpecialFolder.CommonDocuments in hope to avoid issues when running like 2 users Adding extra style keepopen to the new saveandkeepopen save button (GlobalReadOnlyModeUseSaveAndLock setting)
- Revision 15955 (Modified on 2024-09-19): GlobalCenteredPopUp and GlobalHideActionOnDisable implemented in blazpr Save&Lock + Save as in implemented on server (JS & Blazor)
- Revision 15954 (Modified on 2024-09-19): Added 2 properties to SysMDrivenMiscSettingsSingleton; GlobalNavigateOnDoubleClickWithoutMenu and GlobalReadOnlyModeUseSaveAndLock GlobalBlazorClientComponentOverride:String - if set to assemblywithoutext;ATypeThatImplementsIComponentTypeSwitchBroker it will be used by Blazor client to replace components based on IComponentTypeSwitchBroker.SwitchThis(IMDCompHolder compholder,Type theType); GlobalNavigateOnDoubleClickWithoutMenu:Boolean - Normally this only happens if there is only 1 action enabled, but this will take first action if it is navigating GlobalReadOnlyModeUseSaveAndLock:Boolean - If set adds a Save + Save&Lock buttons to toolbar to enable less hassle with constant need to unlock after save
- Revision 15953 (Modified on 2024-09-18): Confusion in code and documentation if its called EXT_ComponentsBlazorPath or EXT_ComponentsRazorPath - it is EXT_ComponentsRazorPath. Updated everywhere
- Revision 15950 (Modified on 2024-09-18):
- Revision 15947 (Modified on 2024-09-16): SysUserManager.ReCreateClaims is now called even for pwd-login and for jwt-login, before only for saml2,external This makes it possibly to check CurrentUser.SysUserClaims - claimtype amr set to claimvalue pwd means that last successful login was with pwd. According to documentation one should also be able to check claimtype mfa to ensure multi-factor-auth
- Revision 15944 (Modified on 2024-09-13): Blazor IComponentTypeSwitchBroker introduced to allow for inject and replace of components on type level
- Revision 15942 (Modified on 2024-09-12): Better styling on search total count text ClientSortable now default also in SeekerREsultGrids IF you have paging ON...
- Revision 15939 (Modified on 2024-09-12): Issues with bringing up a modal window from a ClassAction that is out-opted but referred in placed button - context id was always viewroot - and not always correct classaction object
- Revision 15937 (Modified on 2024-09-12): Sending global settings to blazor Blazor datagrid styles
- Revision 15936 (Modified on 2024-09-11): Annoying leftside blink in angular client when switching pages - fixed
- Revision 15935 (Modified on 2024-09-11):
- Revision 15934 (Modified on 2024-09-11): Pulling down on Aggressive countermeasures when we perceive attack - lessening the escalating wait
- Revision 15933 (Modified on 2024-09-11): Blazor work with global settings in general and _GlobalBlazorClientComponentOverride in particular
- Revision 15932 (Modified on 2024-09-11): Major Updates to facilitate the __UserSidebarShowMemory controlling the Sidebar showing from server
- Revision 15931 (Modified on 2024-09-10): Issues with null ref in getListForPageSize Updates to __UserSidebarShowMemory
- Revision 15930 (Modified on 2024-09-10): Experiment to use __UserSidebarShowMemory to remember user choice of left menu state, backed by ViewModel variabel
- Revision 15929 (Modified on 2024-09-10): Experiment to use __UserSidebarShowMemory to remember user choice of left menu state
- Revision 15927 (Modified on 2024-09-10): Seeker page buttons - new page total and size is left justified Subscribe to vSeekerPageLength and SeekAgain on change
- Revision 15925 (Modified on 2024-09-09): Missed null check in AngularJS-client stopped popups from showing
- Revision 15920 (Modified on 2024-09-06): Update to how we get callers IPnumber in turnkey
- Revision 15918 (Modified on 2024-09-05): x
- Revision 15916 (Modified on 2024-09-05): x
- Revision 15915 (Modified on 2024-09-05): getListForPageSize added in javascript and used by page buttons
- Revision 15913 (Modified on 2024-09-05): getListForPageSize added in javascript and used by page buttons
- Revision 15911 (Modified on 2024-09-04): Build issues on framework after fix in core
- Revision 15910 (Modified on 2024-09-04): SessionID and RemoteIPDetails moved down to EcoController for wider use RemoteIP now saved on TurnkeyApp and On ESWrapper Several counter measures to reduce the impact of attacker probing us, to avoid memory spikes and to avoid cpu exhaust
- Revision 15901 (Modified on 2024-09-03): Removed references to packages that were shared between projects and caused build problems
- Revision 15900 (Modified on 2024-09-02): New StylesInModel animation options animateVisible and animateInVisible Now support taggedvalue BLAZOR=true on viewmodel to display view with blazor
- Revision 15899 (Modified on 2024-09-02): Changed component download to gzip, tested with built in LazyLoad but ended up not using it due to limitations that assemblies must be declared pre build
- Revision 15897 (Modified on 2024-09-01): Blazor - javascripts consolidated to external file
- Revision 15896 (Modified on 2024-09-01): Blazor - main nav changed from /MD/ to /appl/ Introduced resizesable columns in grid Introduced wait on appstart in StylesInModelCss and ViewMetaBlazorClient to ensure styles in model returns valid data first time
August 2024
- Revision 15895 (Modified on 2024-08-31): Changes in Blazor rendering - one div level removed and responsibility moved into components - this fixed a bunch of remaining issues
- Revision 15893 (Modified on 2024-08-30): Change to how we respond with AppReady - now we will hold on server for 10sec if needed prior to answering - this allows the client to ask directly again without the risk of hammering the server
- Revision 15888 (Modified on 2024-08-28): Turnkey Angular should now respect the SkipWhenBacking tagged value
- Revision 15884 (Modified on 2024-08-26): Bugg in vCurrent for VMClass (effects turnkey), nestings that in lower levels had comboboxes - wrongfully got an up-propagate of vCurrent when combobox vCurrent changed - fixed
- Revision 15862 (Modified on 2024-08-15): CSS Turnkey change: &.full-height was really complicated calculation that failed the second the toolbar was introduced. I have now changed it to simply 100% OLD: height: calc(100vh - var(--navbar-height, #{$navbar-height}) - 30px);
- Revision 15856 (Modified on 2024-08-15): SysSingleton.MiscSetting(setting:String) added to enable runtime refresh of css:
- Revision 15854 (Modified on 2024-08-14): Blazor - svg display, BlobDownload
- Revision 15853 (Modified on 2024-08-14): When developing one can set this in MDrivenServerOverride to path1;path2;path3 - all will be fully searched for named blazor component EXT_ComponentsBlazorPath
- Revision 15846 (Modified on 2024-08-13): Blazor style adaptions
- Revision 15845 (Modified on 2024-08-13): Updated overflow x on sidebar
- Revision 15835 (Modified on 2024-08-12):
- Revision 15832 (Modified on 2024-08-12): GlobalBlazorClient setting on SysMDrivenMiscSettingsSingleton
- Revision 15829 (Modified on 2024-08-08): Blazor work in progress - Better readonly grid
- Revision 15827 (Modified on 2024-08-08): Blazor work in progress - Right just on numeric
- Revision 15826 (Modified on 2024-08-08): Blazor work in progress - Right just on numeric
- Revision 15823 (Modified on 2024-08-07): Blazor work in progress - Import of external components
- Revision 15818 (Modified on 2024-08-02): Blazor work in progress - HideMenubar, HideSidebar, Set app title
- Revision 15817 (Modified on 2024-08-02): fixing issue with smallscreen toolbar menuitem turning black
- Revision 15816 (Modified on 2024-08-02): fixing issue with smallscreen toolbar menuitem turning black
- Revision 15815 (Modified on 2024-08-02): fixing issue with smallscreen toolbar menuitem turning black
- Revision 15814 (Modified on 2024-08-02): Blazor work in progress - Toolbar - fixing issue with smallscreen toolbar menuitem turning black
- Revision 15813 (Modified on 2024-08-02): Blazor work in progress - Toolbar - fixing issue with smallscreen toolbar menuitem turning black
- Revision 15812 (Modified on 2024-08-02): Blazor work in progress - Toolbar - fixing issue with smallscreen toolbar menuitem turning black
- Revision 15811 (Modified on 2024-08-01): Blazor work in progress - Folding MainMenu, LoginSection , DataIsLink
July 2024
- Revision 15807 (Modified on 2024-07-31): Blazor work in progress - Constraints
- Revision 15806 (Modified on 2024-07-31): Blazor work in progress - Errors and helper text
- Revision 15804 (Modified on 2024-07-30): Blazor work in progress - Normal popup
- Revision 15802 (Modified on 2024-07-30): Blazor work in progress - InPlacePopup started , cont
- Revision 15794 (Modified on 2024-07-30): Nuget consolidation and updates: Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens 6.17->8.0.1 Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging" 6.17 8.0.1 Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens 7.0.2 -> 8.0.1 System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 7.0 -> 8.0 System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 6.17 -> 8.0.1 System.Text.Encodings.Web 7 -> 8 System.Text.Json 7.0.3 -> 8.0.4 System.Threading.Channels 7->8 Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions 7.0.2 -> 8.0.1
- Revision 15792 (Modified on 2024-07-29): Blazor work in progress - TextArea, GlobalMenu visible/enable
- Revision 15791 (Modified on 2024-07-28): Blazor work in progress - PlacingCOntainer ListView and style and visibility
- Revision 15790 (Modified on 2024-07-25): Blazor work in progress - Furter Styling and apply of Style info
- Revision 15789 (Modified on 2024-07-25): Blazor work in progress - ReadOnly and Visible on widgets
- Revision 15788 (Modified on 2024-07-25): x
- Revision 15787 (Modified on 2024-07-25): Blazor work in progress - double click in grids, CheckBox as cell styling
- Revision 15786 (Modified on 2024-07-24): x
- Revision 15785 (Modified on 2024-07-24): tk-checkbox for reuse in grid in blazor - style updates
- Revision 15784 (Modified on 2024-07-24): tk-checkbox--in-grid
- Revision 15783 (Modified on 2024-07-24): Turnkey Memcheck could fail due to negative number Blazor work
- Revision 15779 (Modified on 2024-07-18): Blazor work in progress - tested with Stylecheck, added fileupload, imageupload, IsHtml...
- Revision 15767 (Modified on 2024-07-12): Blazor work in progress
- Revision 15766 (Modified on 2024-07-12): Blazor work in progress, Integration into TurnkeyCore
- Revision 15761 (Modified on 2024-07-08): Blazor work in progress, Alert dialog
- Revision 15756 (Modified on 2024-07-05): Blazor work in progress, Modal win
- Revision 15750 (Modified on 2024-07-02): Turnkey - spurios exceptions while removing style - new locks introduced/changed
- Revision 15746 (Modified on 2024-07-01): CenteredPopUp introduced in MiscSettingsSingleton
- Revision 15743 (Modified on 2024-07-01): Update for alex
June 2024
- Revision 15742 (Modified on 2024-06-30): x
- Revision 15737 (Modified on 2024-06-30): New api's for Blazor client meta info: GlobalActionsMeta2 and ViewMetaBlazorClient
- Revision 15730 (Modified on 2024-06-17): GlobalCenteredPopUp tag introduced
- Revision 15729 (Modified on 2024-06-17): Newly opened popup overflow the viewport adjusted