Release Notes
All the latest MDriven Fixes and Updates
ChangeLog - MDriven Designer
February 2025
- Revision 16398 (Modified on 2025-02-19): RegExpSplit ocl operator added : DebuggerView showing whole part of current xml-persisted model became too long - now only shows file name
- Revision 16391 (Modified on 2025-02-13): Delete of viewmodel was handled differently from ModlrTree vs other places - fixed Swiching Diagram from Stable back to dynamic turned on ShowAll - and this was wrong - the setting should be left as is. Fixed.
- Revision 16383 (Modified on 2025-02-12): A mistake was discovered in the ecopgk file - that we persisted the reference to the placedclass from all class features that was explicitly picked on a placedclass. This was redundant and gave unwanted size increase of ecopkg files. Use of this version MAY make a lot of diff when checking in ecopkg files stating <PlacedClass> reference drops - this is expected and ok - the information is safe in the .diag file owning the PlacedClass
- Revision 16382 (Modified on 2025-02-12): Better logging in JsonToObjects RightJust of page size picker in Seekers, angular and blazor Designer issue with combo for MountedViewModel not always updating; fixed
- Revision 16372 (Modified on 2025-02-07): New optimizations for Designer speed made Class.ViewModels.viewmodelscollection to not update on span creation - fixed
- Revision 16369 (Modified on 2025-02-06): Issue in compare checksum; NetFramework compiled MDrivenServer returns an escaped string, but .netCore compiled MDrivenServer does not - homogenised to handle both Yet an issue with checksum for state machines differences between NetFramework compiled vs .netCore compiled, this time the named transitions came in different order, now we sort them. This may be a breaking change - needing a model push
- Revision 16366 (Modified on 2025-02-05): MergeModel neglected to move the DefaultSuperClass setting from loosing packages -> fixed
- Revision 16360 (Modified on 2025-02-05): Issue with recently introduced stricter vCurrent rules - that had issues when using vcurrent from lower levels of sibling nestings was used - fixed WebView error supressed
- Revision 16352 (Modified on 2025-02-04): CraschBug from ocleditor when watching model of model
- Revision 16348 (Modified on 2025-02-03): When ocl is superlong the tree display is limited to 75px height
- Revision 16346 (Modified on 2025-02-03): GreenDot for object reference consolidated to own control, allows drag to and drag from Better feedback in Debugger about current PersistenceMapper Issue with too wide subcolumns gave scrollbar solved
January 2025
- Revision 16345 (Modified on 2025-01-31): Fixing broken wiki links
- Revision 16344 (Modified on 2025-01-31): Fixing broken wiki links
- Revision 16342 (Modified on 2025-01-31): Better uniqify on Constraints
- Revision 16341 (Modified on 2025-01-31): Fixing broken wiki links
- Revision 16339 (Modified on 2025-01-30): Strange issue whan copy ViewModel and pressing paste while still on viewmodel -> contextActions was duplicated, and not copied along to new - fixed. Changed Uniqify name algorithmen to increase count instead of appending new number, Actions,Constraints, Attributes, Methods
- Revision 16338 (Modified on 2025-01-30): Issue in wpf when checking !root.AsIObject().Deleted on root.isnull() - fixed
- Revision 16335 (Modified on 2025-01-29): Issue in ErrorCheck ViewModels placingContainers, Nestings are perceived to not have self when stricter root rules are applied: fixed
- Revision 16329 (Modified on 2025-01-29): Changes in how often we need to convert to runtime model (before we had to do this after each error check, and whenever AutoDiagram added a new attribute - turned large models sluggish)
- Revision 16328 (Modified on 2025-01-27): ViewModel History links moved to tree and thus available in both WPF and Web
- Revision 16327 (Modified on 2025-01-27): ...
- Revision 16326 (Modified on 2025-01-27): ...
- Revision 16325 (Modified on 2025-01-27): UIFirst button in WPF ViewModelEditor moved to tree and thus also available in Web ViewModelEditor Filter ViewModel-columns moved to tree and thus also available in Web ViewModelEditor
- Revision 16322 (Modified on 2025-01-26): Issues with DebuggerTab in LiveEdit
- Revision 16321 (Modified on 2025-01-26): Debugger in LiveEdit behaved badly if EcoSpace was not active
- Revision 16320 (Modified on 2025-01-26): For cacheInvalidations ViewModels we now recognise columns CacheIgnoreObjects* , that should return list of objects that will be ignored from the manifest - this further extends the existing CacheIgnoreClasses. The OCLDebugger tabs for ViewModelTree and ViewModelUI now has an new button : CacheInvalidation Manifest Size This button creates text output to inform how large the manifest will be if CacheInvalidation is used, and what it will contain. Example of output: C A C H E - I N V A L I D A T I O N - M A N I F E S T -------------------- 1 Detail.Attribute1 1 Detail.Attribute2 1 Detail.Class1 1 Detail.Thing 1 Thing.AssociationClass 1 Thing.Details 1 Thing.MultiValuePick 1 Thing.SomeDateTime 1 Thing.SomeInt 1 Thing.SomeString -------------------- Totals number of rows: 11 If the manifest contains more than 50ish (debatable) lines you should try to cut away things that are unlikely to change Some attributes/objects may really be immutable in practice, and thus not worth tracking change on CacheIgnoreClasses column is used to return a list of string names of classes we should ignore totally CacheIgnoreObjects<name> columns are used to return lists of objects to ignore totally NOTE! what you see here is how ONE-SPECIFIC-OBJECT will fare, you should test several objects to see what is representative NOTE! You may want to revisit this tool when you have collected more data in your system - to get representative manifest sizes
- Revision 16318 (Modified on 2025-01-24): Codegen could break silently - fixed, shows a dialog with why it failed ModlrTree search result - contextmenu did not show in after the re-engineering of search - fixed
- Revision 16317 (Modified on 2025-01-24): Stricter vCurrent_ recurse rules; you cannot use vCurrent_ variables at the same nesting level they track nor can you use lower levels vCurrent_ , same for vSelected_ The result will cause errors because a nesting cannot be defined by the its lower result. New setting on package : "Stricter vCurrent_ recursion rules" "Stricter Require root rules"; setting from before on package, but its now default on
- Revision 16314 (Modified on 2025-01-24): Issues with AnalyzeExpressions and ReCreate-expressions did not correctly handle DateTime constants - and multiple use of derivations could make AnalyseExpressions fail to show correctly when using ExpandDerivations - fixed
- Revision 16313 (Modified on 2025-01-24): ModlrTree seeker re-engineered to deal with performance issues - specifically the initial freeze when re-index need discovered made me switch strategy and skip the index and use modellayer-data directly
- Revision 16311 (Modified on 2025-01-22): Clean up of CellStyles for Styles in Model, further aligning between Blazor and Angular for Styles in model Issue with add-SingleLink-Setter in grid cell fixed
- Revision 16307 (Modified on 2025-01-21): Skip using AttributeType derived attribute in ModelConvert reduce the need to place subscribers, saves measurable time on monster model with 5000 classes Fixes in ModlrTree search - it was wrong internally when building the result, wasting time Fixes to ModlrTree Attributes, now defers fill of attribute/method/relation nodes until expand - saves a lot on monster model
- Revision 16304 (Modified on 2025-01-19): ...
- Revision 16301 (Modified on 2025-01-17): LiveEdit better preserve of object-green-dot , so that context is kept when switching between ViewEdit and LiveEdit
- Revision 16300 (Modified on 2025-01-17): Issues in CodeGen could lead to re-creation of exciting methods
- Revision 16294 (Modified on 2025-01-16): Ability to set StyleName had been accidentally removed in StylesInModel- fixed
- Revision 16293 (Modified on 2025-01-15): Changes Add Column from model, moved into menu and now allows for select of many
- Revision 16292 (Modified on 2025-01-15): LiveEdit view had issues when url was blank LiveEdit hid green-ball-droptarget when in debugger and this was wrong
- Revision 16289 (Modified on 2025-01-12): Duplicate whole style via menu
- Revision 16288 (Modified on 2025-01-12): Better actions handling when nesting is tuple, from before we acted on first object , but now the ActAsForActions expression can be used to for this. StylesInModelView cleaned up for usability Issue with styles and merge and double merged discovered and fixed (styles disappeared if merged again)
- Revision 16285 (Modified on 2025-01-10): Experiment with Blazor issue of single subscribers
- Revision 16279 (Modified on 2025-01-08): Clip-Paste had stopped working in ViewModelEditor - fixed by redesign to allow for both complex Modlr-Data-Copy and simple text copy
- Revision 16275 (Modified on 2025-01-07): Several issues with InplacePopup handled - it did not correctly build inner PC structure of popup and left residues outside of popup MDrivenStyleChecker logic reworked to allow for ModelIndepentant access and view - removing the need to add a MDrivenStyleChecker ViewModel for this purpose. MDrivenStyleChecker now backed by localhost turnkeyserver; MDDesign/StyleOverview StylesInModel-view , ,colors took to much space and was moved into an inplace popup Blazor mistake made all blobs render as texts - fixed
- Revision 16274 (Modified on 2025-01-04): ...
- Revision 16273 (Modified on 2025-01-03): StyleInDesign and VisibleInDesign for placingcontainers now in ModelIndependant web render
- Revision 16272 (Modified on 2025-01-02): If checksum is off Upload button turns pink. ViewModelCombo in liveview now has Category option
- Revision 16271 (Modified on 2025-01-02): YellowAnimtationDot on Select in Tree and in WebView
December 2024
- Revision 16270 (Modified on 2024-12-31): Many changes to WebViewEdit : x COntextMeny på orange prick Click on action view opens webview if open Buttons hidden in web-viewedit BrowserBack,UrlEdit,StyleCheck,GoView/CLear+Prick, Upload model WebView tabs changed display when selected Add viewmodel in WebViewEdit WebView from toolbar when holding ctrl brings up second window Combo of viewmodels change changes WebViewEdit directly Sync ViewEdit and LiveView
- Revision 16269 (Modified on 2024-12-29): Switching back to Angular in LiveEdit due to blazor issues
- Revision 16268 (Modified on 2024-12-28): Ongoing work to separate WebEdit from WPFEdit fully
- Revision 16267 (Modified on 2024-12-28): Work in progress - Isolated edit in WebBlazor of one view, ModelIndependant Edit of WebViews in Blazor
- Revision 16260 (Modified on 2024-12-27): Work in progress - Isolated edit in WebBlazor of one view, ModelIndependant Edit of WebViews in Blazor
- Revision 16257 (Modified on 2024-12-21): Made Stable/Dynamic on diagrams more prominent, moved and cleaned in right click menus
- Revision 16255 (Modified on 2024-12-21): Build system now inject correct BuildTime and you can access the via Eco.Interfaces.VersionInfo.ThisVersionDateTime
- Revision 16238 (Modified on 2024-12-16): Changed wiki to learn in links to Changed OclOperatator_<op> links to Documentation:OclOperatator_<op>
- Revision 16237 (Modified on 2024-12-16): New UI operation on placingContainer: Child items to Columnar-Layout - this will quickly put UI in the normal pattern of Expanding tables at the bottom - and simple editors distributed evenly in Columnar layout at the top
- Revision 16235 (Modified on 2024-12-15): Several issues stopped StyleInModel-live changes to successfully render in LiveEdit Fast-access model upload button (Synk.Server) added to LiveEdit
- Revision 16209 (Modified on 2024-12-04): MergeModel did not correctly merge StylesInModel - fixed
- Revision 16208 (Modified on 2024-12-04): Issue with Save in modlr closing windows - fixed
- Revision 16207 (Modified on 2024-12-04): ...
- Revision 16205 (Modified on 2024-12-03): Issue with Modlr-saveAs not moving along the AssetsTK fixed (it did include the assetstk in the zip - but it got overwritten on first new save, assetstk is only expanded when file is open. Modlr now does SaveAs+Re-Open)
- Revision 16204 (Modified on 2024-12-03): When Merging models via live edits TKCoreAssetsSynkUC we now also merge the .PrototypeData.xml, we also avoid to merge singletons for classes that already are in the target system
- Revision 16202 (Modified on 2024-12-02): Diagrams can now be marked as Stable, default is dynamic. A stable diagram does not get new properties if the class is given any outside of this diagram context. Also - Hide properties and methods has been re-worked together with all "re-introduce" functionality available to get removed associations back into this diagram - all of this is now consistently handled with a Class-auto-diagram in the re-introduce-menu , and artifacts (methods, attributes, associations, specializations, generalisations) are controlled with checkboxes added to the AutoForm
- Revision 16199 (Modified on 2024-12-02): Removed app.config, not needing and stopped build server
- Revision 16198 (Modified on 2024-12-02): Removed app.config, not needing and stopped build server
November 2024
- Revision 16194 (Modified on 2024-11-30): Issues with signalR from DevEnv
- Revision 16193 (Modified on 2024-11-30): Fixed problem with server failing at startup if CodeDress folder contains dll's without image metadata. For example native (not managed) dll as libSkia
- Revision 16191 (Modified on 2024-11-30): Changes for the new build bootstrapper
- Revision 16163 (Modified on 2024-11-19): Several issues discovered with non-core TK and MDR regarding signalr - stuff that we already knew but had forgotten about : SignalR for ASP.NET is NOT compatible with SignalR for ASP.NET.Core - this takes us on a long journey that results in us not being able to use in non core builds but instead , this is a bummer for many reasons and probably something that will make us deprecate the None core builds soon
- Revision 16159 (Modified on 2024-11-19): Issue with Index out of range on new PC color function. Sped up right-click by removing un-needed DisplayAll
- Revision 16158 (Modified on 2024-11-18): PlacingContainerColors in ViewModel tree and WPF PC-Arrows + CodeGen on ExtendedModelLayer
- Revision 16157 (Modified on 2024-11-18): SignalR version confusion after consolidation to netStandard - fixed
- Revision 16154 (Modified on 2024-11-15): SQLite 1.0.119
- Revision 16152 (Modified on 2024-11-14): ...
- Revision 16151 (Modified on 2024-11-14): ...
- Revision 16149 (Modified on 2024-11-14): VSIX and Designer changed to use netstandard builds of all persistencemappers "Npgsql" version="7.0.6" -> 8.0.5
- Revision 16143 (Modified on 2024-11-13): Action resize window issue
- Revision 16142 (Modified on 2024-11-13): Minor issues
- Revision 16141 (Modified on 2024-11-13): ...
- Revision 16139 (Modified on 2024-11-12): WinForms designer open/close/save
- Revision 16138 (Modified on 2024-11-12): WebView2 EnsureCoreWebView2Async sometimes complains - not sure why - but catch it and ignore it Some WinForms design time complaints from VS2022 - opened forms to resave them mostly helps
- Revision 16136 (Modified on 2024-11-11): The Debugger UI for ViewModel is now applying the styles in model
- Revision 16134 (Modified on 2024-11-11): Issue in ActionDialog expanding beyond screen when long values - fixed RendersActions-columns should be IsStatic for all -except for checkboxes
October 2024
- Revision 16132 (Modified on 2024-10-31): Now also sends action updates in LiveEdit Trying to mitigate the WebView issue that pops up from time to time by having unique folders for LiveView,CloudForm and StartUC - GetFolderForWebViewSafe
- Revision 16110 (Modified on 2024-10-29): ...
- Revision 16108 (Modified on 2024-10-29): Major changes to allow for DesignTimeSupport of WinForms for .net6+ components. MDriven relies on types defined in the solution, not necessarily in the same project and not in the same form. The .net6+ designtime support make use of an out of process designer called DesignerHost - and we must serialize and send components information and type information across this barrier - this required serious re-design and understanding. From this release NOTHING needs or should be in the GAC!!!! For winforms designer code AddRange(IColumn[]... should be replaced with AddRange(AbstractColumn[]...
- Revision 16107 (Modified on 2024-10-26): Designer: CloudDialog - Changes button - if changes detected offers to download the two checksum datablocks to 2 files for further analysis if needed
- Revision 16093 (Modified on 2024-10-22): MDrivenServer now has a TwoFactorCodeCheck for Upload model that can be turned on - this is to better protect production databases from mistakes... MDrivenDesigner has a new box to give the 2 factor code for the server. Designer has dropped the Upload ServerSide-jobs since this is automatic from months back...
- Revision 16088 (Modified on 2024-10-21): Fix to avoid problem when having nullable null in AccessGroup expressions
- Revision 16086 (Modified on 2024-10-17): Improved "Copy to clipboard for diagram" to a better message
- Revision 16080 (Modified on 2024-10-16): ...
- Revision 16079 (Modified on 2024-10-16): ...
- Revision 16078 (Modified on 2024-10-16): Unless the nugets target .net6.0 specifically - and only netstandard2.0 they will not show up in the toolbox upon nuget install - fixed
- Revision 16072 (Modified on 2024-10-15): Picklists without NullRep - that are null - but has more than zero options - and target attribute is not persistent, should be initiated to first
- Revision 16067 (Modified on 2024-10-14): Pulled back net48 to net472 in order to better reach the goal to work with VS2022 designtime Minor nuget package upgrades and consolidations
- Revision 16064 (Modified on 2024-10-11): Path.DirectorySeparatorChar was missed at some places - breaking linux
- Revision 16043 (Modified on 2024-10-09): Updating Microsoft.Data.SqlClient from version="5.1.4" to version="5.2.2"
- Revision 16041 (Modified on 2024-10-09):
- Revision 16034 (Modified on 2024-10-08): Updates to about boxes to fix for GAC issues
- Revision 16028 (Modified on 2024-10-07): New strategy to fix the VS GAC Need LocalizableCategory and LocalizableDescription crashed new VS - fixed GAccing on post build removed for all but interfaces and handles