MDriven Source code instructions

When subscribing to the source code license you will get access to a zip file containing all the source code to build eco and modlr.

You need to massage the delivery a bit in order to build:

Extract .zip into your folder (creates ECO and Modlr)

In sub folder Source:

remove the postfix noscriptbuild  on files that have it (replace files if other file exists)

Remove Configuration.csexp files from project Eco.Interface and replace with Configuration.cs(.noscriptbuild)

In VS - files are found and included in project - if not - include (the ones you renamed from noscriptbuild). Make sure you set build action = compile on files you include in project

All projects try to sign assembly with snk key ..\..\..\ecokey.snk. This key is not distributed - you will need to create your own local key. In the directory above Source save file ecokey.snk. You can create key in project properties signing. Either remove signing per project, or create your own key

2018-11-05 08h53 59.png

If you remove the key – you cannot GAC the assembly and you will need to remove the build action that do the Gaccing - Source look for GacUtil in "$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\Xternal\DotNetSdk\v4.0\bin\Gacutil"- you can make sure it exists to avoid changing projects

Remove missing resource files from project.

Remove not needed PersistenceMapper-projects or install third party drivers.


Find output in Start/Stage/Bin and Start/Stage/Modlr.

Packages troubleshoot: There are versions with references to package configs not in the exported source. This shows up as NuGet Package missing on computer. Open offending project file in texteditor, edit like this

Import Project="..\..\StreamingApp\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.21\build\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets

Should be:

Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.21\build\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets
This page was edited 95 days ago on 06/17/2024. What links here