Template:Image cards

From MDrivenWiki

Note: Images are set here in the template to load the 400px thumbnail. If images appear blurry in mobile view, it can be adjusted to a larger size. Consider, however, that larger sizes mean longer load times and larger data volume especially on mobile devices. <templatedata> { "params": { "imgname": { "label": { "en": "Image name", "de": "Bildname" }, "type": "wiki-file-name", "suggested": true, "description": { "en": "Enter as imagename.jpg or imagename.png", "de": "Als meinbild.jpg oder meinbild.png eingeben" } }, "label": { "label": { "en": "Link label", "de": "Beschriftung" }, "suggested": true, "description": { "en": "Label for the linked page", "de": "Angzeigte Linkbezeichnung" } }, "imglink": { "label": { "en": "Link target", "de": "Zielseite" }, "type": "wiki-page-name", "suggested": true, "description": { "en": "Name of the page this card links to", "de": "Wikiseite, auf die verlinkt wird" } }, "alt": { "label": { "en": "Alternative image text", "de": "Alternativtext " }, "description": { "en": "for screenreaders to understand the image", "de": "Zusatzinfo für blinde Benutzer, wird nicht angezeigt" }, "suggested": true }, "iconname": { "label": "Icon ", "description": "(Font Awesome or Bootstrap)", "suggested": true }, "iconcolor": { "label": "Icon color", "suggested": true } }, "description": { "en": "Image cards with links", "de": "Bildkarten mit Links" }, "paramOrder": [ "imgname", "label", "imglink", "alt", "iconname", "iconcolor" ] } </templatedata>

This page was edited more than 9 months ago on 12/20/2023. What links here