BEGIN YOUR JOURNEYExplore how MDriven’s modeling tools can help you achieve your business goals.
Throughout this training process, we'll familiarize you with the MDriven Designer using the example of a car management system. This includes creating elements like Cars and a Car Factory and adding people such as a Car Owner and Car Dealer. Every chapter adds a different piece to the overall system.
Let's begin!

Chapter 4
Steps 106 - 145: Action Language and OCL-PS
- Read the Manifest on MDriven’s view of what a line of business application needs
- Introduction to the Seeker Form
- Understand the meaning of “null” and how to use the “isnull” operator
- Introduction to Action language
- Test the assign operator ( := )
- Use the action operator separator semicolon ( ; )
- Introduction to OCL-PS and search expressions
- Test the use of search expressions
- Read about Seeker logic
Chapter 5
Steps 146 - 182: Different Types of Actions
Chapter 6
Steps 183 - 214: Picking Values
- Explanation to remove a button and ViewModel action
- Create buttons and connect them to actions/action expressions
- How to enable a User to search and select items
- How to save or cancel operations
- Fix a problem with searching with a blank input
- Change cardinality to enable taking multiple items at once
- Create an Association class
Chapter 7
Steps 215 - 238: Derived Attributes & Editable Grid Cells in Web UI
Chapter 8
Steps 239 - 264: Responsive Design and Placing Containers