- MDriven Architecture
- Build Enterprise Information Systems
- Complexity shows up almost immediately–get the tools to manage it
- Different types of bugs
- Enterprise architect information
- Fashion Gist and Modernity
- GistMDriven
- Main concepts definition
- MDriven Turnkey Architecture
- Model Driven
- Philosophy–where lies the value
- Reality and the theoretical best model
- Database OR Mapping
- User interface technologies
- Barcode - on Android - with Xamarin and MDriven
- Catching more information in your model
- Creating CustomControl that Shows Data in a Gantt Chart
- Custom controls in ViewModel aided Views
- Delayed Fetch
- Derivation expressions
- Derived settable attributes
- Diagrams in Diagrams
- Ecomdl
- Enumerations
- Enumerations in Modlr
- Exception starting
- GuardConstraints
- Making sense of legacy data–DB Reverse
- Material Design Icons
- MDriven Designer and Modlr extensions–exporting data
- MDriven Designer–a new Rename function to save you time
- MDriven In Xamarin
- MDrivenDesignerPropertyInspectorHints
- NugetProject
- Object Identity
- PersistenceMapperWEBAPIClient
- Plugins in Modlr
- PopUp action
- PreserveLegacyFilenames
- Property inspector
- Simulate login
- Styling WPF Applications and ViewModels
- Text formatting
- The Concept application WhenAndWhereProject
- UI First–or information first
- UIOverride
- Updates to AutoForm and Debugger after latest feedback
- Using other than standard Persistence Mappers per attribute
- Using WECPOF in runtime
- WECPOF Goodies
- WPF Debugger
- Xmi
- Angular Ext Component
- autocomplete
- autofocus
- BlobDownloadLink
- ClientSortable
- DataIsHtml
- DataIsImageUrl
- DataIsLink
- BlobType
- FixColSize
- FormatAttr
- HideHeading
- MaxFetch
- MaxFileSizeInBytes
- Placeholder
- Resizable
- SeekerSortable
- SkipStyleLogic
- StringFormat
- StringFormatAngular
- StringFormatRazor
- Switch
- Autofocus
- BlobDownloadLink
- Texttype
- MaxFetch
- A few words on linq
- Acting on object changes
- Case sensitive or not
- Char to int and back
- ClassFromString
- Collection of strings
- Comparing strings
- Convert string to bytes
- Creating numeric types
- Custom types and custom operations in OCL
- Deepclone
- Default String Representation and asString
- Encoding
- Escape codes
- Examples on collection operators
- Methods
- Number conversions
- Ocl hex to dec
- Regular expressions
- Set vs bag
- Split
- Split time string to value
- State value as a string
- Understanding OCL with reference to SQL
- Unique constraints on 1 to 1 links
- VerbalizePatterns
- addReturnIndexOf0
- add
- and
- append
- asBag
- asCommaList
- asSeparatedList
- asSequence
- asSet
- at
- at0
- Bag
- clear
- collect
- dictionary
- difference
- excluding
- exists
- filterOnType
- first
- forAll
- foreach
- groupBy
- last
- includes
- includesAll
- including
- indexOf
- indexOf0
- insertAt
- intersection
- isEmpty
- notEmpty
- orderBy
- orderDescending
- prepend
- removeAt
- reject
- select
- sequence
- set
- size
- subSequence
- sum
- symmetricDifference
- union
- allInstances
- allInstancesAtTime
- allLoadedObjects
- allStates
- allSubClasses
- allSuperTypes
- associationEnds
- associationEndsWithType
- asString
- AsTaJson
- atTime
- attributes
- brokenConstraints
- canAccess
- constraints
- count
- emptyList
- existing
- externalId
- format
- let
- maxValue
- minValue
- nullValue
- objectfromExternalId
- oclAsType
- oclGetStates
- oclIsKindOf
- oclIsTypeOf
- random
- safeCast
- SoapCall
- superTypes
- taggedValue
- taggedValueOnFeature
- Translate
- typename
- CodeDress
- External login services in MDriven Turnkey
- Fonts
- Getting safe–limited–meta information from a Turnkey app
- How To Create a Dotnet MDriven Project
- How to Integrate Device Features in MDriven Apps Using the Navigator API
- Logging OCL in Turnkey
- Load balancing Turnkey and MDrivenServer
- MDriven on Synology
- Migrating From MDriven .NET Framework to .NET Core
- Office365 accesstoken
- Remote Turnkey access
- StartupViewTemplate
- SysDocBatch
- Use LibreOffice for PDF conversion
- Using Google Charts
- WPFMahappAndGantt
- AppWideAngularScriptIncludes
- AssetsTK
- Calling your own c - sharp .net things from Turnkey–server side
- Connecting javascript SinglePageApplications to Turnkey (SPA)
- DisplayWithVariables
- Geolocation
- Google Analytics in Turnkey app
- Google tag manager
- How to access your Turnkey site with FTP
- Javascript calling Turnkey rest
- Layout and CSS
- LiveUpdate
- MDriven turnkey Face - theme - styles - fashion
- MDriven Turnkey Series
- MDriven Turnkey theming
- Microsoft Azure
- Openid AzureAD
- OpenIdConnect access token and refresh token
- Overriding AngularJS MDriven Turnkey Views
- Pricing
- QR and barcode
- QR-Code to drive a workflow in any MDriven turnkey app
- Receive post data not known at design time
- Render data as html
- Render MVC ViewModel without turnkey
- Rendering the MDriven Turnkey application yourself
- Samples
- Scaling out Turnkey on Azure
- Serverside Turnkey and MVC functioning
- SiteAssets
- Size in Images in Turnkey
- Streaming Client
- SysSingleton.MiscSetting
- SysSingleton optional properties
- Theme and style
- Theme as data
- Time zones and sanity–post for future reference
- TinyMCE editor
- Tkusercss
- Turnkey App Current state: Paused
- Turnkey Client Timeout
- Turnkey debug
- Turnkey email settings
- Turnkey extra meta tags
- Turnkey local development tips
- Turnkey MVC Controllers
- Turnkey reload automatically on script change or style change
- Turnkey sample Board Map Balls Gantt
- Turnkey sample Empty start model
- Turnkey sample InstantPoll
- Turnkey sample ProjectPlanner
- Turnkey sample ProjectPlanning
- Turnkey sample SoftConflict
- Turnkey Styling
- TurnkeySettings
- TurnkeyUserLogin
- Use c-sharp code to post to TurnkeyRest
- View/Page override
- ViewMeta
- Change password MDriven Server
- Corrupt MDriven Server
- Lost password or locked out
- MDriven Server problem with evolve
- MDrivenServer, opening the built-in database
- No suitable constructor found
- SQL not trusted
- The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted
- Troubleshooting Turnkey deployment
- Duplicate IDs in the database
- CodeFoundButOutOfSync
- AppPool user
- AsyncTicket
- Automating deployment of Turnkey and MDrivenServer on IIS
- CacheInvalidation
- Communication between MDrivenServers
- Deploy Turnkey on your own Azure with OneDrive
- Emailing from an app using MDrivenServer
- Eventlog
- Fill in the email settings in the admin UI
- HardServerUrl
- Injecting the Core server command line parameters via file
- Installation of MDriven Server on Windows 7 Enterprise
- LocalhostDevCert
- LocalServers
- MDriven administrative database tables
- MDrivenServer log
- MDrivenServer Slack web hook
- MDrivenServer with Windows authentication
- MDrivenServerOverride
- MultiTenantPrefix
- Purpose of History Server
- RecyclableMemoryStream
- Server Wide Variables
- Serverinfo
- Serverside actions
- Setting up a History slave
- Slave and History Server
- Slave server in action
- SysAsync package
- SysSingleton.Deflate
- SysSingleton.UrlEncode
- SysSingleton GetSystemUrl
- Turnkey and MDrivenServer logs
- Use SqlServer
- VistaDB
- WSL Windows subsystem for Linux
- Accessing objects and navigating meta-levels in code
- Api documentation
- Code generation
- Codegen Issues .net standard
- Constructor in generated code
- Debug CodeDress
- DisplayQueue
- Evolve db with code
- Side effects
- Unity 3D and MDriven
- Using different WCF Bindings with Enterprise Core Objects – ECO – MDriven framework
- HasUserCode in Enterprise Core Objects
- WinForms MDrivenFramework
- Working with legacy Handles
- Change tracking help SQL
- How your classes are stored in the SQL database when using MDriven
- Microsoft.data
- MySQL–notes to support the use of MySQL with MDriven
- Other PMappers
- Possible file version mismatch detected between ADO.NET Provider and native binaries of SQL Server Compact
- SQL Database
- SQL Server
- SQL Server change tracking
- SQLImport multiple tables with associations
- SQLite
- Versioned on class
- Authenticate with a jwt
- BankId
- Certificate
- External login screen problem
- Fault-finding certificate problems in IIS
- GDPRPolicy
- HashPassword
- HeaderBasedAuthenticationTag
- Hide External Login
- Hide Password login
- High or low exposure to risk
- How does OpenIdConnect work
- Lets encrypt
- OpenID config
- Sign client rest request with certificate
- AccessExpression
- Analyze ViewModel classes and expressions
- Breaking changes
- Cell level ReadOnly
- Comboboxes with strings
- Convergence
- Cursored or Full Tree
- Databind labels in ViewModels
- Databound Placeholder text
- Declarative ViewModels and Taborder
- Explaining “The ViewModel does not require a root object” warning
- How Null is represented in your picklist
- How to use vCurrent and “self” correctly in viewmodels
- Import xml and JSon with MDriven
- Index page
- Input Controls
- JsonToObject vs Tajson
- Multiple file upload component
- Opt out a constraint in all relevant viewmodel
- Per viewmodel ReadOnly mode
- QueryPlan
- RestAllowed UIAllowed
- SelfVM
- SOAP the protocol from the stone age
- Tables and Grids
- The combobox
- The VMClassId Explained
- Timedout viewmodel
- ViewModel access and security
- ViewModel for Business
If your MDriven system discovers the pattern from the above model, you may install the IMDrivenUITranslation service. The MDriven system will use the data found in the objects for the model and use them as translations.
The service is installed like this:
MDriven.Translation.MDrivenUITranslationImpl.Install(ecoServiceProvider);// Installs translation services
Newer versions of MDriven Turnkey already do this for you.
The IMDrivenUITranslation has a Default-Language setting. The Default Language is set by MDriven Turnkey to the Language set in the user browser. Typically, this is a value like “en-US” or “sv-SE”. You can force the default language with an action like this: 'Whatever'.Translate('DEFAULT=sv-SE');
To translate to the users' chosen language, do this:
'Translate this text'.Translate('')
‘Translate this’.Translate(‘sv-SE’) is a valid expression that will try to look up a SysTranslatable object with a Value equal to ‘Translate this’. It will then look for Translations that point out a Language with code that equals ‘sv-SE’. If found, the value of the matching SysTranslation object will be returned. If no matching translation is discovered, the original value is kept.
It would be a complete pain to create all the SysTranslatables by hand. To help you avoid that, you can perform this in an action: 'Whatever'.Translate('SPOOLMISSED'). Sending “SPOOLMISSED” as a language has a special meaning and creates SysTranslatables for all complete misses that the system has seen since the start or since the last call to SPOOLMISSED.
The actual dictionaries used to do the translations are created at the system start-up. This means that you will need to restart your system to see the newly added translations take effect. This may not be a possibility, however, for the translators on your team. Most likely, the translators are just ordinary users or administrators of your system, but they will want to see the effect of an added translation as soon as possible. To mitigate this, we have added yet another special meaning language identifier: 'Whatever'.Translate('RESETCACHE'). This will reset all cached pages in your application since they possibly contain translations – and by the time of the next request, they will be re-done and thus reflect the newly made translations.
The article introducing this functionality can be found here: https://blog.mdriven.net/localization/
Updates 2020-09-23: Language Mapping Override
Add a static method on SysTranslateLanguage with this signature:
This method is called when the users' language is detected. You may replace the users' language with some other language in order to implement preferred user language mapping.
Maybe you designed in Swedish and you have added translations for English, but you get a French user and want to show English rather than Swedish:
if input.contains('fr') then 'en' else input endif