Comboboxes in MVC from model driven ViewModel
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The save method needs to do nothing special to make this happen:
The save method needs to do nothing special to make this happen:
<pre class="code"><span style="background: white; color: black">        [</span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">HttpPost</span><span style="background: white; color: black">]
        </span><span style="background: white; color: blue">public </span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">ActionResult </span><span style="background: white; color: black">Details(</span><span style="background: white; color: blue">string </span><span style="background: white; color: black">Identity, </span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">VMExample2 </span><span style="background: white; color: black">offlinevm)
          </span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">Example2 </span><span style="background: white; color: black">e2 = EcoSpace.ExternalIds.ObjectForId(Identity).AsObject </span><span style="background: white; color: blue">as </span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">Example2</span><span style="background: white; color: black">;
          </span><span style="background: white; color: blue">try
          </span><span style="background: white; color: black">{
            </span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">VMExample2 </span><span style="background: white; color: black">onlinevm=</span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">VMExample2</span><span style="background: white; color: black">.Create(EcoSpace, e2);
            </span><span style="background: white; color: #2b91af">ViewModelHelper</span><span style="background: white; color: black">.ApplyValues(offlinevm, onlinevm, </span><span style="background: white; color: blue">null</span><span style="background: white; color: black">);
            </span><span style="background: white; color: blue">return </span><span style="background: white; color: black">View(</span><span style="background: white; color: #a31515">"Details"</span><span style="background: white; color: black">, onlinevm);
          </span><span style="background: white; color: blue">catch
          </span><span style="background: white; color: black">{
            </span><span style="background: white; color: blue">return </span><span style="background: white; color: black">View(</span><span style="background: white; color: #a31515">"Details"</span><span style="background: white; color: black">, offlinevm);

Revision as of 15:05, 6 November 2018

To get everything to work as in the article you need the latest build (written 131108)

Combobox, picklist or dropdown list – many names for the same thing.

The combobox is perfect when setting references between objects – if the number of items to pick from is not too large.

When creating the viewmodel go like this (Look at the 2 last lines in the Green ViewModelClass and at the blue):

This is automated for you if you want by right clicking:

Modlr knows that “Example1” is a perfect candidate for a Combobox since it is a single link.

You get this:

Modlr suggests Example1.allinstances to be the pick list, but you are free to change it. Maybe you want to add a “->orderby(e|e.attribute1)” there.

To get the whole MVC roundtrip to work – we need to add an identity column to the PickListPresentation class.

I make sure CodeGen is checked and then generate code:

Looking at the generated code for the ViewModel VMExample2 we see this new thing:

Notice that modlr  did not only add code for Example1, it also added code for Example1_AsExternalId… And this is important for MVC.

In the View I enter this:

    <div class="display-field">
      @Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.Example1_AsExternalId, 
        new SelectList(Model.Example1_PickList , //The list
                       "Identity",               // What attribute to pick
                       "Presentation",           // what to present
                       Model.Example1_AsExternalId)) // what to set on pick
    <div class="display-field">
            @Html.EditorFor(model => model.OwnedBy)    // Added this just for info   

And I get this:

Then I change in the combo and press save:

The save method needs to do nothing special to make this happen:

        public ActionResult Details(string Identity, VMExample2 offlinevm)
          Example2 e2 = EcoSpace.ExternalIds.ObjectForId(Identity).AsObject as Example2;
            VMExample2 onlinevm=VMExample2.Create(EcoSpace, e2);
            ViewModelHelper.ApplyValues(offlinevm, onlinevm, null);
            return View("Details", onlinevm);
            return View("Details", offlinevm);

This page was edited 95 days ago on 06/17/2024. What links here