Rest Services In MDriven
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You must set RestAllowed on ViewModels you want to allow Rest access to.
You must set RestAllowed on ViewModels you want to allow Rest access to.
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<em>To make your experience more comfortable, we set the main tags mentioned in the video to the right bar menu of this mini player. Choose the interesting subtitle on the list and immediately get to the exact theme timeplace in the video. Now you can pick any topic to be instructed without watching the whole video.</em>
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    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="5" tabindex="0"> What is REST? </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="77" tabindex="0"> How does it work with MDriven turnkey? </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="120" tabindex="0"> calling an existing REST service </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="186" tabindex="0"> exposing ourself as REST service </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="239" tabindex="0"> MDriven turnkey app slot </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="328" tabindex="0"> how to expose information as the Rest service? </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="445" tabindex="0"> MDriven Rest/get strategy </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="568" tabindex="0"> how to consume data? </span>
        <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="675" tabindex="0"> selfvm </span>
        <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="711" tabindex="0"> Rest/Get operator </span>
        <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="920" tabindex="0"> hard-coded objects </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="1331" tabindex="0"> Json to objects operator </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="1779" tabindex="0"> update data with allow post </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="1893" tabindex="0"> RestPost operator as a post command </span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="2485" tabindex="0"> operation execution</span>
    <span data-video="MKlQD8F1mz8" data-start="2553" tabindex="0"> vSomeParam adding new parameters </span>
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Revision as of 19:50, 22 December 2016

REST services are services that are executed by connecting to an URL that defines operation and parameters then it returns an answer – not seldom as JSon objects.

Calling existing REST services

MDriven supports a couple of EAL operators to manage REST services. All operators reside on the selfVM variable – available only in the ViewModel context.


There is a also a new helper operator on selfVM:

selfVM.JSonToObjects( «<Type>» ,  JSonDataInStringFormat)

The selfVM.JSonToObjects creates objects of class Type and matches attributes and association from the json data – and it can create object trees (unclosed graphs) by following names on associations. These few additions enables us to consume Rest services that others expose.

And when it comes to exposing ourselves to others – Turnkey has two new MVC verbs:


What they do is that they look for ViewModel named as the command-parameter, if one is found the accessgroups are checked to see if access is allowed. If it is, additional parameters sent in the url are matched against ViewModel variables – and given corresponding values. Then any actions present in the root level of the ViewModel are executed. And then the Get verb packs the viewmodel content as json in the response.

The Post verb looks in the request values after names that match the ViewModel root – if match is found the corresponding value is applied. Then changes – if any – are committed to db. The last thing for post is that it packs the complete ViewModel as json in the response. If there is an error – a string “error: <message>” is returned.

You must set RestAllowed on ViewModels you want to allow Rest access to.

To make your experience more comfortable, we set the main tags mentioned in the video to the right bar menu of this mini player. Choose the interesting subtitle on the list and immediately get to the exact theme timeplace in the video. Now you can pick any topic to be instructed without watching the whole video.

What is REST? How does it work with MDriven turnkey?
    calling an existing REST service exposing ourself as REST service
      MDriven turnkey app slot how to expose information as the Rest service? MDriven Rest/get strategy
    how to consume data?
      selfvm Rest/Get operator hard-coded objects
    Json to objects operator update data with allow post
      RestPost operator as a post command operation execution vSomeParam adding new parameters

This page was edited 95 days ago on 06/17/2024. What links here