External login services in MDriven Turnkey

Settings in Portal

This article helps you set up the external login services (e.g. Google, Facebook, Microsoft) in the MDriven Turnkey application. After these easy steps, your application will offer your users the option to sign in with their existing social accounts.

Go to portal.mdriven.net and sign in under your existing account. Head to your application (Views -> Show my Turnkey sites) in which you want to add the external login services.

Block with settings for the external login services

Google Authentication

To set up authentication through Google Account in your Turnkey app, go to https://console.developers.google.com. Sign in under your Google account (or sign up if you don't have it).

  1. Head to Credentials, press the "Create Credential" button and choose OAuth Client ID.
  2. Next, choose Web application and enter the name, home page URL, and Redirect URL of your application.


At the end of the redirect URL, add the "sign-in-google" - for example, if your home page URL is — https://mdriventestone.azurewebsites.net/, your redirect URL will be — https://mdriventestone.azurewebsites.net/signin-google

Setting up Google Authentication
Setting up Google Authentication

Turn on the Google+ API

Turn on the Google+ API.

Google+ API .png

Copy Secrets to the Portal

Press "Create" and copy your Client ID and Client Secret from the modal window to portal.mdriven.net.

Save the changes and press "Send Settings and Restart" to add Google Authentication to your Turnkey App.

Microsoft Authentication

To set up authentication through a Microsoft Account in your Turnkey app, go to https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps (App registrations). Sign in under your Microsoft Account and click on "New Registration".

  1. Name your application (Note: This name will be visible for users when they use Microsoft Authentication) and press "Create".
  2. Select which account types can use your application login.
  3. Choose "Web" and enter Redirect URLs.

!Important! You have to enter a full link to your app (e.g. https://mdriventestone.azurewebsites.net/) and add "signin-microsoft" at the end of the link.

Registration Information of the App
  • Click "Register"
  • On the next screen, in the menu to the left, select "Certificates and secrets".
  • Select "Client secrets" and then "+ New client secret".
  • On the pane to the right, enter a description and expiration time, then click "Add".

Your Client Secret will be shown as "Value" in the list of secrets and you need to copy it now (to portal.mdriven.net or somewhere else, because it will be displayed only once).

Microsoft Client Secret

Save the Microsoft Portal and copy your Application ID and Client Secret to portal.mdriven.net (App ID to Microsoft Client ID and Client Secret to Microsoft Client Secret).

MS client id.png

In the MDriven Portal, save the change and press "Send settings and restart" to add Microsoft Authentication to your Turnkey App.

Additionally, in the left menu, you can select "Branding and properties" to enter a logo and other information, like the Home page URL of your application.

Enter the Home Page URL of Your App

Extra info: You can view an MS account's given App rights at https://microsoft.com/consent

Windows Authentication

In intranet environments, you may want to use existing Kerberos Windows auth for users of a Turnkey site.

Start by configuring the IIS to use authentication (this means the IIS takes care of this before your application) - you can follow the instructions for MDrivenServer for this.

You must also do some manual changes to the web.config of Turnkey: SingleSignOn

Facebook Authentication

To set up authentication through your Facebook Account in your Turnkey App, go to https://developers.facebook.com. Sign in under your Facebook account or register a new one.

  1. Head to "My apps" and choose "Add a new App". Name your app and on the next screen, press "Set up" on the Facebook login card.
  2. Next, select Web platform and enter the Site URL (URL of your application), press save, and continue but skip other steps.
  3. Head to Settings -> Basic, enter the App domain (URL of your application), and save the changes.
  4. Also at Client OAuth Settings, add <SITE URL>/signin-facebook as a valid OAuth Redirect URI.

Now copy the App ID and App Secret to portal.mdriven.net.

Facebook authentication settings
Facebook authentication settings

Paste your App ID and App Secret to Facebook Client ID and Facebook Client Secret, save the changes, and press "Send settings and Restart" to add Facebook Authentication to your Turnkey App.

This page was edited 48 days ago on 01/29/2025. What links here