
Certain settings influencing the Server behavior have been added.

Add a Singleton class named SysMDrivenMiscSettingsSingleton

Attributes recognized currently:

  1. GlobalReadOnlyMode: Boolean read more on ReadOnly mode
  2. GlobalToolbarMode: Boolean read more on Toolbarmode
  3. GlobalHideActionOnDisable: Boolean - this will hide all actions when they are disabled
  4. LibreOfficeInstallPathAndExe: string? - for example C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe - Read more
  5. GlobalCenteredPopUp:boolean
  6. GlobalBlazorClient:boolean - will use the Blazor client as default rather than the AngularJS client
  7. GlobalBlazorClientComponentOverride:String - if set to assemblywithoutext;ATypeThatImplementsIComponentTypeSwitchBroker it will be used by Blazor client to replace components based on IComponentTypeSwitchBroker.SwitchThis(IMDCompHolder compholder,Type theType);
  8. GlobalNavigateOnDoubleClickWithoutMenu:Boolean - Normally this only happens if there is only 1 action enabled, but this will take first action if it is navigating
  9. GlobalReadOnlyModeUseSaveAndLock:Boolean - If set adds a Save + Documentation SysMDrivenMiscSettingsSingleton 1727251132557.pngSave&Lock buttons to toolbar to enable less hassle with constant need to unlock after save
  10. Documentation SysMDrivenMiscSettingsSingleton 1727250556275.png
    GlobalModalOfferOpenStandalone:Boolean. When a modal window is shown it does not show left side actions and you are not allowed to do modals from modals (nested modals not supported) - if this cause a problem for your users you can choose to show an extra button in modal dialogs that will open the modal as a normal standalone view in a seperate tab.
  11. GlobalUnRootedAlwaysNew(GlobalSeekersAlwaysNew) : Boolean. When set will create new instance of any unrooted form for each open. This may be helpful in order to search on multiple things in different views - an not as in standard have the second search reflect back in the first window
  12. GlobalSeekerGridExportFileMaxRows: Integer? , when using the Seeker-More-menu and choosing "Export as file" a file of all the search content will be produced and downloaded. The size will at max be GlobalSeekerGridExportFileMaxRows rows
  13. 2025-02-11 13h28 24.png
    GlobalSeekerGridShowImportOnlyONTV: Boolean , the "Import from clipbook" shows in the Seeker-More-menu if this setting is false(default) or when its true only if the ViewModel has TV GlobalSeekerGridShowImport=true
This page was edited 36 days ago on 02/19/2025. What links here