
ModlrLeanLoad is a functionality present in MDriven Turnkey and MDriven Server that helps the server start up faster, using minimal memory.

ModlrLeanLoad works by producing 2 files in the App_Data directory of the application:

  • ModlrLeanLoadChecksum.xml
  • ModlrLeanLoadModel.modlr

The ModlrLeanLoadChecksum.xml holds the checksum for the saved model in the ModlrLeanLoadModel.modlr file.

The ModlrLeanLoadModel.modlr file is a reduction of the uploaded model but differs in the following ways:

  1. No AssetsTK folder or content is present
  2. No Diagrams (Except statediagrams) are present
  3. Incomplete ViewModels (new from 23.11.11 - see Softview)

How It Works

If ModlrLeanLoadChecksum.xml is found and the contained checksum equals the current model in the MDrivenServer, the model is NOT loaded from the admin db, but rather from the ModlrLeanLoadModel.modlr. This file does not hold any AssetsTK so no time is spent on checking Assets within; also, the assets do not increase the memory pressure of the server.

If ModlrLeanLoadChecksum.xml is not found or if the checksum within is not equal to the checksum of the current MDrivenServer, then the normal load model from the Admin database is performed. This model is also checked for AssetsTK - and AssetsTK and Codedress are distributed as needed. After this is done, a new ModlrLeanLoadChecksum.xml is created, and a ModlrLeanLoadModel.modlr is created without the AssetsTK. Aalso, the diagrams have been stripped from the modlr file and saved.


Your application will start up more often with a well-known model, with the assets being the same as last time, than with a completely new version with potentially changed assets. ModlrLeanLoad enables the server to start faster with less memory for the many times when nothing has changed - but still do all the normal automation that happens when something actually has changed.


ModlrLeanLoad is present in builds after 2023-09-05 and is used by default.


To force the application to re-create ModlrLeanLoadModel.modlr on the next start, you can delete the ModlrLeanLoadChecksum.xml file.

The ModlrLeanLoadModel.modlr is incomplete - it has been stripped from all diagrams and all ViewModel content. ViewModels are instead loaded according to the Softview strategy.

See also: Softview

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