
The SysUserAuthentication model pattern is for integration user registration and login into your Turnkey App.

This pattern uses the ASP.NET Core Identity architecture to add user registration and sign-in. It handles both authentication (who you are) and authorization (what you are permitted to do).

SysUserAuthentication Pattern

The Pattern supports external login using Google, Open ID, Microsoft, Facebook. Check here for details on how to login with third party providers.



isAdmin: Boolean?

Boolean for specifying that a user has administrator permissions.

PasswordHash: String?

Password hash

SecurityStamp: String?

Invalidates sessions and cookies when user password is reset or user adds an external login.

SendMeNews: Boolean?

Boolean for subscribing to news letter

UserName: String

Unique user name.


HashPassword: String

Arg: pwd:String - password to hash

This is used to hash a user's password


Arg: pwd:String - new password to set

This is used to set a new PasswordHash for a user using the HashPassword method.


This Class is for handling the third party login capability.


This Class is for adding user roles. These can be used with access groups to set ViewModel permissions for different user groups.

This page was edited 55 days ago on 01/20/2025. What links here