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[[allinstances operator]]
The operations listed do this:
{| class="wikitable"
|'''[[Allinstances operator|Allinstances]]'''
|All the objects of the class
|All the currently loaded instances
|Meta information about available states in state machines the class may contain
|Meta information on all the sub classes this class has
|Meta information on all the super classes – in inheritance order the class has
|Meta information on all the associationEnds
|The string representation of the class – the asString operation is available on everything
|Meta information about what attributes the class has
|Meta information on what constraints the class has
|Returns an empty list typed to hold objects of the class
|A typed null value
|An external identity will be resolved to the object
|The type of the class
|This is to if a class is a subclass or a the class itself and not unrelated
|Returns true if
|Classes that implements the Singleton pattern – by setting IsSingleton=true – will return the singleton instance with this operator
|Meta information on tagged values set in the class
|Meta information on Tagged values set on a named feature in the class
|The type name as a string
|A tuple with the ViewModels for this class a members

Revision as of 15:32, 13 August 2017

The operations listed do this:

Operators Description
Allinstances All the objects of the class
allinstancesAtTime All the currently loaded instances
AllStates Meta information about available states in state machines the class may contain
allSubClasses Meta information on all the sub classes this class has
AllSuperTypes Meta information on all the super classes – in inheritance order the class has
associationEnds Meta information on all the associationEnds
Asstring The string representation of the class – the asString operation is available on everything
Attributes Meta information about what attributes the class has
Contraints Meta information on what constraints the class has
Emptylist Returns an empty list typed to hold objects of the class
nullValue A typed null value
objectFromExternalId An external identity will be resolved to the object
oclAsType The type of the class
oclIsKindOf This is to if a class is a subclass or a the class itself and not unrelated
oclIsTypeOf Returns true if
oclSingleton Classes that implements the Singleton pattern – by setting IsSingleton=true – will return the singleton instance with this operator
TaggedValue Meta information on tagged values set in the class
TaggedValueOnFeature Meta information on Tagged values set on a named feature in the class
Typename The type name as a string
ViewModels A tuple with the ViewModels for this class a members
This page was edited 29 days ago on 08/22/2024. What links here