Pivot tables

After looking thru a lot of ready-made pivot tables, we decided to use the build in table of HTML/Bootstrap. Why? Because a lot of the features added by third party pivot/grid add-ins can easily be handled on the server within the model. Things like searching, sorting, filtering, paginating. And if we do it within the model and viewmodels, we can move the functionality to other platforms with a minimum of extra work. In addition, operations like search and filter, often isn’t as straight forward as initially thought, requiring something not in the grid/pivot, and then the third-party grid component comes short. Still, there’s nothing preventing the use of third-party add-ins for a grid, just let the framework provide the data.

What we do need for a grid/pivot (only pivot from now) is a way to render Cells with different content in all positions. We want the actions to work on cells, not entire rows.

Look at this page a slightly more complex sample for a background on the thinking of creating a pivot from your model.


Following that pattern with a different naming conversion to better fit how HTML, BS and Angular names things, we end up with;


From the example;

CurrentMonthView is a single object, a root of sorts.

The viewmodel “Row” is the one you put on the page where you want your pivot.

The other viewmodels, you position outside the screen, for example at a negative Row value. They will not be rendered, but provide data.

If you compare this with the other Pivot component, there’s a important difference! You need to provide the rows IN ORDER and you need to provide ALL CELLS on every row. Why? Because Angular data binding iterating your arrays can’t “go back” to paint, i.e. it’s not a paint in any order type of display, we have to keep within the confines of HTML and BS.

Because of this, there no Y-position in “Row” and there’s not an X-position in the “ColumnHeader”. There is however a RowID in both “Row” and “AllCellsList”, so the client can find the right group of cells for the row, and then lay them out in “ColOrder”. In effect we’re assuming that the order of column headers and row cells appears in the correct order.

Creating the structure described

You can simply use a viewmodel and use OCL expressions to add objects to the list. Probably objects of different types, but as long as your viewmodelclass’s attributes evaluates to match the pattern, it will work.

Another way to add more structure is to have modelled classes, either transient or persistent, that organizes your data into a structure that matches the pattern.

Here’s an example of transient class (the gray ones) with persistent classes “supporting” them. This is the same example as above.


As you can see the MonthViewCell class has been subclassed. Why? To make the logic for different cell types easier to maintain and to make it easier to place actions for each cell type.

On the subclasses, you add OCL to the derived attributes, each working with it’s own type of information.

Tagged values

Then add tagged value like this;






No tagged values.



Most of these are, as you can see when you compare with the example, the names you picked for the different fields in your viewmodel. They all default to the same name (without Attr) if you don’t set them.

Pay extra attention to “RowIdAttr”. You have to provide this attribute in both the Row viewmodelclass and in the AllDellsList viewmodelclass. This attribute’s value is what bind the cells to the row. It has to be unique in the list on screen, not globally.

Not all are required, FormatAttr, CssClassAttr, StyleAttr and ValueFormatFilterName are optional.

This page was edited 95 days ago on 06/17/2024. What links here